The BSMC Blog
News, advice and more from the Bellarine Sports Medicine Centre Team

Keeping Your Hamstrings Happy
Get excited Victoria: here comes a new (and hopefully full) season of Aussie Rules Footy! If you are an avid player of the game, a die hard fan or simply a casual spectator, no doubt you have heard of many football players who have ‘pulled a hammy’. This is with good re...
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How do I get a good nights sleep?
Good sleep is an important part of good function – mentally and physically – and is even more important now with the extra stresses of COVID-19. Everyone’s sleep needs vary between age, health and lifestyle but there are a handful of things we can all add to our every...
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How to return return to exercise safely!
To the excitement of many, the restrictions surrounding the use of gyms have eased, meaning they have reopened as of June 22 within Victoria.However, although we are all eager to pick up the weights and jump on the machines again, it is worth being vigilant of ...
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So your local sports has been cancelled for a while...
Local sports competitions and sporting events have been postponed due to new government regulations regarding COVID-19. Instead of using this time off to have a break from training, why not get stuck into some key stabilization and strengthening exercises that will ass...
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I have lower back pain...should I go get scans?
First things first; YOU ARE NOT YOUR SCAN. Every injury is as individual as the person who carries it. In the majority of cases of low back pain, there is no need for x-ray or MRI imaging at all.There are only 3 reasons a health professional should be ordering scans f...
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Walk it out on the Bellarine
With many of us having a little more time on our hands, now is the perfect time to get out into the fresh air, make the most of the perfect autumn weather and explore your surrounds. We are so lucky to live on the Bellarine and Surf Coast, and walking is one of the best...
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Keep moving through COVID - 19
Here are our top 4 reasons why you NEED to focus on your health and fitness during the COVID 19 outbreak.As an Exercise Physiologist, a lot of the clientele that we work with are individuals with chronic health conditions. We work with people of all ages and different...
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Menopause and Exercise
Greater than one-third of a woman’s life is spent during and after menopause, with the average onset of menopause being between 45-55years of age and can last up to age 65. Menopause is caused by a decrease of the hormone estrogen which has a long list of side effects,...
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Osteopathic Support for your Pregnancy
Osteopathy is founded on 4 main philosophies –1. The body is a unit2. Structure and function are inter-related3. Our body is capable of self-healing, protection and regulation mechanisms4. Treatment always considers the first 3 beliefsWith these in mi...
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No childcare? No worries!
There’s usually a big change in the weekly routine during summer; your children get time off school or daycare, you might get time off work or your gym schedule changes due to public holidays and they change their group class timetable. All of this combined with the cha...
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Keep your feet cool this Summer
Summertime is officially here which means out with the boots and in with the sandals and alike. Typically with the warmer months, comes less structured and supportive footwear. This sudden change can result in increased stress and load through the muscles and tissues...
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Strengthen your heart!
The importance of exercise for heart health!Did you know that Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading underlying cause of death in Australia? It has been reported that 580,300 Australians over the age of 18 have Coronary Heart Disease, that's a whole 3% of the ent...
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Christmas Crackers!
The 'Christmas Crazies' have arrived!December has snuck up on us all (once again) and the next time we blink; it’ll be Christmas Day! With that in mind, it’s not surprising we are all starting to feel the toll of the end of year crashing down on us – a million things ...
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Tis' the time for travel.
For those lovely community members, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, here's a tidbit about me: I LOVE Christmas! This year has flown by and Christmas is now only 30 days away! I love Christmas as there is a no better reason to spend time with family and friend...
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Surf's up!
Spring is definitely here folks!If you're like me, you might be looking forward to dusting off that 3'2' wetsuit after having the typical winter hiatus from surfing. Surfing in winter is HARD. It's cold and miserable and means more gear: booties, hoods and even gloves...
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What is a Stroke?
A stroke is a type of acquired brain injury, that results from a disruption in blood flow to the brain. There are two main types/ causes for this;Hemorrhagic stroke; This occurs when an artery that supplies the brain tissue bursts.Ischemic stroke; This occurs when t...
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Take control of your 8-week challenge!
While an 8-week challenge can often kick start our summer training, it can also spell the end for many with injuries taking their toll. So, what can we do to reduce our chance of injury and get in summer shape? Podiatrist, Andrew Graham, explains…With many 8 week chal...
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Exercise and Cancer Treatment.
What is the role of exercise during cancer treatment?One in four Australian women and one in three Australian men are affected by cancer before the age of 75. Most of us can relate and know someone close to us that may be diagnosed with cancer including melanoma, pro...
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Liptember - Let's start the conversation
Liptember is a campaign dedicated to raising funds and awareness for women's mental health by starting the conversation off, by popping a little colour on. This September, you can register online and seek sponsorship from family and friends to raise funds for the Cent...
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Prostate Cancer Awareness Week
Just get tested!Ok so I’m gonna lay it out cold here; Prostate cancer affects one in every five men in their lifetime. That means if it’s not you, then it’s highly likely it's your dad, grandpa, brother or uncle. There are 20,000 cases diagnosed each year and about 3,...
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Exercising your mental health muscle
The benefits of regular exercise for your physical health are well known. We all know exercise can positively impact our cardiovascular health, weight management, blood sugars, cholesterol levels, bone, joint and muscle health, the list goes on. However, I want to addre...
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Keep warm this winter
Why warm-ups are an important part of your exercise program.Do you play sport? Have an event upcoming? Or just lead an active lifestyle? If so, it is important to understand the importance of warming up prior to exercise. The aim of a warm-up is to prepare you both phy...
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Exercise in Pregnancy
Many expectant mothers are confused about the what, where and how of exercise during pregnancy. It is important to remember that pregnancy is a normal condition and not an illness. Thus for most woman, it is possible to stay active and continue their sport or activity t...
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Healthy fascia, happy body.
Have you ever wondered why stretching can be so uncomfortable once you reach your limit? How your internal organs stay where they are? Or how your muscles stay connected to your bones? Yes, this does sound like a biology lesson, but it's important to read on! Well, ...
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Ankle Sprain Injuries and Rehabilitation
How did you perform at Run Melbourne? Did you pull up sore or injury yourself on the run? Ankle sprains are a common running injury that I'm sure you've heard of before.What is an ankle sprain? A sprain is the tearing of the ligaments that stabilise the ankle joint. T...
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Ankle Sprain Injuries and Rehabilitation
How did you perform at Run Melbourne? Did you pull up sore or injury yourself on the run? Ankle sprains are a common running injury that I'm sure you've heard of before.What is an ankle sprain? A sprain is the tearing of the ligaments that stabilise the ankle joint. T...
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Dry July for better bodies?
It is coming to the end of July and hence the end of Dry July, something a 160,000 Australian's have been apart of since 2008. They have raised $37 million for people affected by cancer, and funded projects at more than 75 cancer organisations across Australia. Apart fr...
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When too much isn't a good thing...
Are you in the middle of you're winter running season? Know someone that is? Overuse injuries are super common when training for events like Run Melbourne (this weekend) or the local, Surfcoast Century (September). Have you struggled with your training load? Seem to be ...
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Plastic Free July Tips
You might have seen on social media that this month is plastic-free July. This is something that as a clinic, and individually, we are striving to reach.I have listened to a number of podcasts, books and read a number of blogs and news articles about how important it ...
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What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is that sickly sensation of the room spinning around you or a sense of dizziness that usually comes on with certain movements. It can leave you feeling quite nauseous and debilitated when it strikes. Sometimes your eyes can move rapidly without your control, thi...
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Training in Winter.
How can you beat the exercise rut before it beats you? It happens to the best of us – the mornings get colder and darker, we snooze the alarm that one extra time. Before we know it we are out the door and on the way to work without completing our morning exercise ritual...
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Snow Day!
WE LOVE THE SNOW at BSMC!Winter is undoubtedly here, with mornings already reaching -1 degree. Along with these cold mornings, comes the beautiful mulled wines, open fires, and of course, the long-awaited snow season. Unfortunately, not everybody is lucky enough to c...
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Cold weather can be a headache…
‘I have a headache today’. This is something that is coming up in my consult conversations more and more as the outside temperature dips. Why is this you ask? Well, there is a number of reasons: let’s break it down.Firstly, what is a headache? A headache is any pain w...
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Don't get cold feet!
With winter settling in and morning temperatures feeling like they are reaching subzero, our body begins to feel the aches and pains associated with cold weather. Some people are faced with joint pain and stiffness, others muscular weakness’, and some people experience ...
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Myotherapy for the Mind
Do you suffer from tight, tense shoulders and neck? Do you seem to get headaches all the time? If you answered YES, here is some food for thought.In my experience, I find that neck and shoulder tension and headaches, that seem to come out of the blue, can often be str...
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Exercise for the Mind
Have you ever heard a friend say they exercise to relieve stress and wondered what on earth they are talking about? Not only can exercise help you get your mind off your problems and clear your head, exercise has been proven to reduce levels of circulating stress hormon...
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Tech Savvy
Do you play video games or binge on Netflix? Ever stand up after a 5 season marathon and feel like you’ve turned into the Hunchback of Notre Dame?So have I.Yes that Netflix show you’ve just got into can be addictive, and there’s always time for just one more round o...
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If the shoe fits..
The right shoe can help keep your feet healthy, prevent injury and therefore keep you active and happy.Whether your choice of activity includes walking, running, jumping, or weight lifting, a supportive and appropriate shoe is so important when it comes to injury pr...
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Going on holiday soon? Here’s how to stay injury free!
If you’re like me and have the travel bug then you know how painful it can be at the end of a long day of sightseeing. Achy feet, achy legs, a sore back from carrying that day pack everywhere; running from train to train, bouncing around in the back of a tuk-tuk, hiking...
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Exercise and Mental Health.
We’re all aware of the numerous physical health benefits of regular exercise, but what other benefits are there?Well, you don’t have to look far to find mountains of good quality research linking physical exercise with improved mental health – in particular, alleviati...
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The top 5 questions your Podiatrist gets asked.
So….why did you choose to work with feet?The world of Podiatry is more than you may think! A large portion of people associate Podiatry with cutting nails and removing calloused skin, but there’s a lot more to it. While we enjoy offering our clients general skin and na...
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What does it mean to ‘switch on my core’?
Are you referring to the six-pack of abs that I don’t have but can 'supposedly' achieve by persisting with numerous sit ups? Not quite...You’ve probably heard this term before, whether it be in your local gym, exercise class, by your Doctor or allied health profession...
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All you've got to do is Tri...
The Barwon Heads Triathlon is one of my favourite events on the annual calendar - not only because the start line is within a 5 minute ride of my home, but also because it is a fun, local, community event that is accessible for any ability or age group. Whether it’s you...
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Concussion: Just use your head
I was asked to present to a local football and netball club as part of panel about concussion. This is something that I know about as a health practitioner but when doing my research for this presentation some very sobering statistics came to light.What is concussi...
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Could dry needling be the answer to your aches and pains?
You may have heard this technique been bought up by friends and family who have suffered from tight muscles, strains and other injury to muscles. But is it right for you?Dry needling is a technique using sterile, single use, fine point needles (acupuncture needles)...
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Same game, different injuries.
Since the introduction of women’s AFL in 2017 we have seen a large increase in the numbers of girls from as young as 12 participating in AFL as their sport of choice. With the 2019 kicking off it’s time to start thinking about how to best set yourself up for an injury ...
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Make exercise a habit, not just another task
Can you believe it’s already the end of January and, for many of us, the end of summer holidays. For the past 4-6 weeks many of us have had the luxury of being able to exercise when we want to without the restraints of work and life. Not to mention it’s been daylight s...
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Exercise right... at Bellarine Sports Medicine Centre
#EXERCISERIGHTWEEK2017Exercise Right Week is held between the 22nd and 28th of MayThis week is dedicated to educating everyone about the benefits of completing regular physical activity. It is a great way to celebrate and embrace exercise as a form of full body thera...
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